          回覆:神的預知 # 964 [sucking USA evilest liar President Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton] 信用卡代償0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%CC%EC%B7%BD%D2%B9%CC%B8&pn=840 Th 租房子ey not only committed treason crimes betray the duty as USA First Couple but also committed hosta 信用卡代償ge USA Capital Hill (That may explain how come the sucking US Senate dare not say NO to their liar US President a 591ss whore Hillary Clinton to werewolf US Secretary head.) crimes, because they supposed to forced to step down after impeachment passed throug 開幕活動h House majority votes, because US President must have to subject to the highest moral standard, when the House majority voted not to trust him to lead, he has to 吳哥窟resign, the reason the case processed into Senate is because it becomes criminal case, therefore, the Senate tried him for dead penalty, the only reason those sucking Senators 酒肉朋友voted no was because I was not US citizen, the reason those who voted YES to sentence him to death penalty because I was born in Taiwan where under US Congress special eyes. Because Senate spared him from dea ARMANIth penalty, therefore, US military rather to choose wait and see. Because they did wait and see how Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton lie down, therefore, they have to wait and see those less evil suckers Bush j 租屋unior along with his sucking personal loyalty slaves, and let that sucking Obama to take whatever advantage of them as he does. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋二胎  .

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